
The Royalty Tier is for serious players, demonstrating power, loyalty and duty for the community they help to lead. They may adopt the name (II),“King”, “Queen”, “Sire”, “Your Grace” or “Royal” before their name. They earn all the noble does, as well as the right to both Tier one & two potions, may grant nobility, sit at the Royal table, affecting policy, maps, mods and gameplay. Many map rules do not apply to them because of their standing and questline. This is the best role for players that are successful at mitigating and have the drive for a balance between power & duty. It is also a requirement and taste of responsibilities of the Tier 3 Immortality Role.

​The Royalty Role embodies the saying “with great power, comes great responsibility”. It requires the player to think from two different perspectives. What is good for the individual or small group/tribe of players, is NOT always good for the community. They must at times make hard decisions that may limit or deny popular requests for the betterment of courtesy, game stability and server population. They will also be responsible for the nobles & commoners in quest as well as in game. This means communication via discord, in-game, and even our personal social media platforms. This role is designed to offer enough treasury and power to balance the time spent on helping the people. It is also the final role that determines whether a Royal has what it takes to become Immortal if that is the path they choose. This role can build the trust, loyalty and Duty required
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Beast Master
